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It's really important to seek help because we cannot do this thing we call life on our own.
Why not lean on these resources that are at your fingertips in order to make life smoother for you, in order to understand what you need and when and how to go about responding to situations differently?
As a clinical psychologist, it's really important for everyone to know that I have sought help as well.
I have put up my hand and said, 'oh, I actually need some help with this thing.
I don't understand what's going on here.
I'd love some tips to work on this relationship.'
I've sought help many time.
It's fundamental to making sure that I can be a good helper.
And so when I'm talking to men specifically about being the protector and provider that they want to be, about being the best father, the best employee that they can be, why do you want to do it on your own?
How do you think that that's the way that you're going to function best?
If you want to help others, you need to fundamentally get your shit together.
You need to make sure that you are well yourself in order to be able to give back to others.
You want to be the best man you can be?
Go and talk about it.
This is not a magic bullet.
This is not something that's just going to change things overnight for you.
And anyone that you see should tell you that really clearly.
It takes a lot of talking, it takes a lot of opening up about what's happening day to day for you.
It is a lengthy and often costly investment, but it pays huge dividends in the long term.
What happens when you don't seek help is that things fester.
Thoughts and feelings grow and calcify into what are very difficult cement obstacles.
If you get onto this stuff early, it's not fully formed, it's fluid.
We can change it.
We can help you see it from a different direction.
Be proactive.
There is no point that you need to meet before you can seek help.
If you do this stuff much earlier than when things have gotten really difficult, it's going to be a lot easier to overcome them.
So go early, go hard and get going.