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Family and domestic violence include any form of violence that is not confined to physical violence, emotional violence, financial violence, sexual violence.
Or essentially, it is the transgression against the right of the other in ways that are violent.
All forms of violence are forms of injustices that must not happen and cannot be tolerated.
Australia has some very strict laws against family and domestic violence. In most cases, sadly, of course, family violence is against women in most cases.
But of course, it happens against men, but also against children and siblings.
Control is a form of violence, of course.
So sometimes financial control is a form of violence.
But control could be, in other things in preventing people from going out outside of the house.
In some cultures, for example, men would control women in the sense that you're not allowed to leave the house.
I have come across some, but not many cases where perhaps the woman would be locked in the house and the keys with the man and says, you can't leave.
That is a control.
That's a form of violence that is unacceptable.
Human beings are born free.
Men and women.
We are born free.
And no other human being has the right to control the freedom and the liberty of this other person, especially those who are closest to us.
It's okay to have certain expectations within households, but these expectations must be for everybody.
No man should hesitate nor feel a sense of shame to go and seek help if they feel that the situation is going to become violent.
I truly believe that is a sign of strength and not weakness.
I think that's a sign of care for one's family because if you don't seek help at that moment then you could potentially end up destroying your family and yourself in the process.
So that's why it is a sign of strength.
It takes guts, as we say in Aussie, it takes guts to go and do so.
And it's actually a sign of being brave and courageous.
And so go for it.
Don't feel ashamed to go and seek help because that can save you a world of headache in the future.